SOUNDARYA CHOORNAM – Ayurveda for Youthful Skin

Soundarya is a name that conjures up images of ‘beauty,’ a trait that is desired by all.! Soundarya Churna, the cosmetic composition of Sitaram in the form of powder made from the most potent herbs, backed by Ayurveda’s age-old research, could be your best friend!
Are you looking for something that will solve your concerns about attaining a better skin’.?
You’ve arrived at the right location.!
Key features :
- Blesses you with healthy and radiant skin with a soft natural glow.
- Naturally lightens the skin and renders it blemish-free.
- Expels dirt and dust accumulated in skin pores giving powerful exfoliation.
Sitaram’s soundarya churna:
Do you want to unlock that soft suppleness that lay hidden beneath your skin.?
Have you ever wondered what the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda got in store for you.?
Are you tired of conventional cosmetic-grade products that leave your skin vulnerable to damage?
We understand the struggle.!
Sitaram’s Soundarya churna is an intermix of potential natural herbs which include Raktachandana, Chandana, Lodhra, Haridra, and Kumkuma in combination with other 12 herbal blends.
This can be your solution for radiant, youthful skin.!!
Skin struggles always add to the worries in our cyber lifestyle that involves rough erratic patterns of diet and living, consequently punishing our bodies! Skin being the most exposed part tends to endure most of these damages and hence might be subjected to drastic changes which might affect our appearance!
Ayurveda justifies the proverb of ‘beauty lies skin deep’ and adheres to it through its comprehensive theory of how our skin manifests the hurdles we put our body through!
We now wish we could just rewind time and replenish ourselves in healthy patterns. It’s not too late and in order to reclaim your loss,
A sound healthy and supple skin is within your reach when you have Sitaram.!
The in-house formulation cashing in the goodness of the most potent herbs in Ayurveda.! We brought together the herbal concoction which you shouldn’t be missing on.!
Key ingredients:
LODHRA (Symplocos racemosa)
Also known as Lodhtree, is a traditional ayurvedic herb best known for its ability to manage skin problems like wrinkles by its antioxidant-rich nature. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic nature make it an ideal herb for the treatment of acne and pimples. It is given as medicine in diseases caused by the aggravation of kapha and pitta doshas. It provides the body with strength thereby increasing stamina and enhances wound healing.
VACHA (Acorus calamus)
Vacha, also called sweet flag in English, is a herb with high medicinal values. Vacha in Sanskrit means “that which stimulates intelligence and expression”.
It’s best known for its rejuvenating action on the nervous system. Owing to its tikta and tiksna nature, it is a good skin tonic and protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infections and makes the skin give out a natural glow. Its antioxidative nature helps in preventing cell damage due to exposure to free radicals.
MANJISTHA (Rubia cordifolia)
Manjistha, mostly called indian madder or common madder can be used for internal as well as external application to bring about glow and lustre to your skin. It is best known for its ability to lighten the skin and prevent hyperpigmentation. It is used to treat freckles, pimples, discolorations and enhances healing of injured skin tissues. Furthermore, it is very effective in managing diseases like dermatitis, psoriasis, itching eczema, skin ulcers and herpes.
USHIRA (Vetiveria zizanioides)
USHIRA famously known as khus khus grass is an ancient ayurvedic drug mentioned in the classical texts of sushruta and caraka samhita for its many properties-kustanut (cure skin diseases) and vranahara (enhances wound healing) to name a few. Owing to its pitta shamaka nature, it is helpful in enhancing the skin texture and glow. It helps calm and strengthen the brain and nerves. It is beneficial in treating disorders like diaphoresis and epistaxis.
PADMAKA (Prunus cerasoides)
PADMAKA, also called Wild Himalayan cherry, is an ayurvedic herb that is best known for its ability to increase skin complexion. In the classical texts, it is noted for its potentiality in the treatment of skin disorders, boils and blisters, herpes etc. Application of PADMAKA plants powder in the paste increases the skin complexion. It is also known for its wound-healing ability.
Our other major ingredients :
- Ficus religiosa (Arayal)
- Ficus racemosa (Athi)
- Ficus microcarpa (Ithi)
- Ficus benghalensis (Peral)
- Curcuma longa (Manjal)
- Coscinium fenestratum (Maramanjal)
- Callicarpa macrophylla (Njazhalpoovu)
- Glycyrrhiza glabra (Irattimadhuram)
- Pterocarpus santalinus (Rakthachandanam)
- Cyperus rotundus (Muthanga)
- Saussurea lappa (Kottam)
- Curcuma aromatica (Kasthoori Manjal)
How to administer it..!?
- Make Sitaram’s Soundarya churna into a paste-like form by mixing it with a suitable liquid medium like rosewater, curd, milk, or lukewarm water.
- Thereafter, apply the paste to the face and gently massage for a few moments.
- Keep for 2 minutes to allow it to sweep down the skin layers and later rinse off well with water.
Precaution :
Take care that you don’t rub too harshly on your skin.
Last but not least, each one of us is unique so doing an allergy test to assess your tolerance is always a good option.!
Here’s some advice for your Skin Care.!
When you want to know about skin and its care, there’s a whole load of information on the internet. Everyone has got different advice on what is good for you. As a consequence, you find it confusing and hard on what actually fits you.
Therefore, it is always recommended that you consult with a doctor before going for it.
No matter what type of skin you have, one thing we all should remember is to never miss out on keeping it hydrated.! Regardless of what medications you use, it won’t be of much use if you don’t keep your body healthy and hydrated.! Drink ample amounts of water to maintain your natural skin lustre and keep your body healthy.
Most importantly these axioms are not only for women.!
A healthy body and mind is a boon for everyone and beauty at its core are for the betterment of our physical and mental well-being.!! Aside from when you wish to have something as a pillar of support for your physical feel-good aura… Then Sitaram’s Soundarya churna can be your go-to option.!!
To Buy Soundarya Churna from Sitaram Ayurveda: