Siva Gulika – A Versatile Herbal Medicine With Countless Benefits

It is difficult to find a medicine that is both nourishing to your body and which doesn’t increase your body weight at the same time.
Siva gullika (or shiva gulika or shiva gutika as it is called sometimes) is one of those rare medicines which combine the best qualities from both ends of the spectrum.
Sitaram shiva gulika is a potent medicine useful in the treatment of several medical conditions and diseases while also beneficial in maintaining an optimum weight, good levels of fat and blood sugar, and to aid rejuvenation and regeneration of the body.
What is Siva Gulika?
Siva Gulka is a classical ayurvedic medicine, available in tablet form. It is explained in ancient ayurvedic texts like ‘bhaishyagya ratnavali’ and ‘rasa ratna samuchaya’. The medicine is described in the context of ‘rasayana’, meaning rejuvenation.
The name ‘Shiva’ gulika comes from the Hindu mythological character, ‘god shiva’. The supreme efficacy and numerous benefits of the medicine made the ancient physicians believe and state that it was invented by the god ‘siva’ himself for his son ganesha. The story goes that shiva made this medicine for protecting the health of his son ganesha, who is portrayed as a foodie and lover of sweets, and also having a sedentary lifestyle as he is a scholar with a lot of writing and reading to do.
The rasayana or rejuvenative property of siva gulika mostly comes from its main ingredient, silajith or shilajathu. Shilajith (aka shilajathu or kanmadam) is a mineral used in ayurveda for its amazing effects on various body tissues and physiological functions. Shilajathu is a powerful antioxidant, rejuvinative and tonic.
Shiva gulika is one of the most efficient and potent formulations of shilajathu in which the benefits of shilajathu are enhanced using various herbal decoctions. This makes it one of the best applications of Shilajathu.
How is Siva Gulika prepared?
Like most of the classical ayurvedic medicines which have incomparable benefits, the preparation of shiva gulika takes time and dedication.
Sitaram shiva gulika is prepared in the classical method, while maintaining strict quality control and hygiene using modern technology.
The special process of preparation is in such a way that the beneficial potencies of several herbs are incorporated into shilajathu (shilajith) so that the overall effect of shiva gulika is broad and can target various conditions and organ systems.
Firstly, superior quality shilajith called ‘gomutra shilajathu’ is selected. This has to be purified using herbal decoctions to get rid of impurities and unwanted mineral components. The purified shilajit is immersed separately in herbal decoctions of ‘triphala’ (a three herb combination), ‘liquorice’ (Glycyrrhiza glabra), dasamoola (a combination of 10 herbs), ‘guduchi’ (tinospora cordifolia), ‘bala’ (sida cordifolia) and ‘patola’ (trichosanthes dioica). The Shilajathu is kept in each of the decoctions for three days each, one after the other. Afterwards, it is mixed with a combination of over 30 herbs along with cow’s milk, ghee and sesame oil. The mixture is processed to make a paste first and formed into tablets afterwards.
What are the uses of Siva Gulika?
Shiva gulika is used in the treatment of various conditions from metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, thyroid malfunction, inflammatory diseases, arthritis, skin conditions, respiratory diseases, and even cancer.
Also, it is a very good rasayana (rejuvenation) medicine and helps to arrest degeneration of different cells like nerve cells and bones.
Rasayana effects:
Siva gulika is a first choice medicine when ‘rasayana’ is needed for people affected with conditions in the spectrum of metabolic syndrome.
For example, in obesity and diabetes, the overall health of the individual will be compromised due to insulin resistance and low energy availability to the cells. In this state, protecting the cells from excessive damage and rejuvenating the body is very difficult because rejuvinatize tonics won’t be acting efficiently and any supply of energy will add to the already high levels of sugar and fat. But shiva gulika is one of the few medicines which help in this condition by its powerful antioxidant effect and capability to prevent cell damage and also to nourish cells by ensuring nutrient supply.
Metabolic syndrome, diabetes & obesity:
At the same time being rejuvenating, it is efficient in reducing insulin resistance and in enhancing fat and sugar metabolism. It enhances glucose metabolism and reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Cardiovascular conditions:
Shiva gulika is known to clean the ‘srotas’ or micro channels in the human body. Also it is effective in preventing and reversing atherosclerotic changes.
Shiva gulika can act as a cardioprotective in diabetic patients in addition to aid in controlling glucose levels. It also has an effect of capillary regeneration and improving circulation.
Liver diseases:
In conditions of the liver, shiva gulika is helpful due to its regulatory effects on fat metabolism as well as due to its protective and regenerative effect. Also, it is helpful in correcting liver functions and regulating enzymes and metabolites of the liver. It is also a choice medicine, along with others, in the treatment of liver cancer.
Endocrine diseases:
Shiva gulika is effective in thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism, enlarged thyroid, and nodular growths of thyroid.
Diseases of the urinary system:
Shilajith, the main ingredient of shiva gulika is considered in Ayurveda an important medicine for ‘vasti’ or the urinary system. Shiva gulika along with other medicines can be used for different conditions of the bladder and kidneys, including the nephrotic syndrome.
Fertility treatment:
Male and female fertility issues including quality of gametes, libido, and cysts can be addressed by the proper use of shiva gulika.
Convalescence & Geriatric medicine:
The rejuvenating effect is beneficial in faster recovery from injuries, surgeries, and other diseases.
As it is useful in preventing and reversing degenerative conditions of various tissues, shiva gulika can be used for senior citizens to slow down the aging process and maintain health.
Other uses:
Other uses of shiva gulika include treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, chronic skin diseases, inflammatory arthritis, and degenerative nervous system conditions.
Are there any side effects in using ‘Shiva Gulika’?
There are no known side effects, but it is better to consult your ayurvedic doctor before taking ‘shiva gulika’. Especially if you are intending to use shiva gulika for a specific condition, consult an ayurvedic doctor near you to know if it is the right medicine for you.
Is it safe to use with other medicines:
If you are using other strong medicines like those affecting the cardiovascular system, steroids, NSAIDs or blood thinners, consult an ayurvedic doctor before taking shiva gulika.
If you are considering using shiva gulika for any conditions, you may leave a comment below to clarify any doubts or questions.
I am enjoying reading your well-written blog about ayurvedic medicine.
Thanks for sharing.
I. Have personally used shiva Giulika
I was having tremendous leg pain so my pain subsided and full of freshness and lightness in the body after taking just one tablet a day for last 15days
As I am Ayurveda practitioner I will continue at least for 49to 60 days