Jatamayadi Choornam includes a short list of ingredients that can be easily blended in equal amounts. When applied to the inflamed or swollen joints, it is most effective in treating the discomfort.
Jatamayadi Choornam is an Ayurvedic remedy used to treat burning sensations when applied externally.
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Jatamayadi Choornam includes a short list of ingredients that can be easily blended in equal amounts. When applied to the inflamed or swollen joints, it is most effective in treating the discomfort.
  Features and benefits of Jatamayadi Choornam-
Key Ingredients:
It is the best medicine to treat swelling and burning sensation. It also works as an excellent nervine relaxant, lowers the blood pressure, and prevents bacterial infections.
Amaya synonymous to Kushta, is very effecting in treating pain, swelling and other inflammatory diseases. It balances the excess Vata and relieves pain from the body. Kushta is widely used to treat many skin conditions, diseases of respiratory origin etc.
KUNDURU (Guggulu)
It is a rich antioxidative and anti-inflammatory action. It promotes healthy weight loss and manages cholesterol.
It may function as a pain reliever by inhibiting the transmission of pain signals through the central nervous system. It promotes strength and vitality.
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