Sahacharadi Kuzhambu is useful in Loss of function and mobility in limbs; Muscular pain, aches and cr
Karpasasthyadi thailam is useful in the Management of pain, oedema and loss of mobility associated wi
Kottamchukkadi thailam is used in the management of pain, oedema and loss of mobility associated with rheumatoid arth
Sahacharadi Thailam is helpful in the treatment Loss of function and mobility in limbs; Muscular pain
Karpooradi Thailam is useful for immediate relief from Muscular pain and Cramps, Join
Pain and swelling associated with arthritis, Degenerative diseases of bones and joints, Rigidity and
Sahacharadi Kashayam tablet is useful in the Management of inflammatory pain and swelling in rheumatoid arthritis, os