Being the first GMP certified Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Plant in the world, ISO 9001:2015 and DSIR recognized research and development laboratory, we at Sitaram give utmost priority to the quality we achieve in each step - right from raw material sourcing to the end finished products.
Our motive is to keep up with the advancements and regulate the processes to produce superior quality medicines.
Well Equipped Manufacturing Plant with tailor-made machineries.

- GMP certified area equipped with Industry Specific Herb Washing Machine, UV filtration tents, automatic and manual disintegrators, choppers, pulverizers and sifters
- Moisture controlled Raw-material storing area.
- GMP certified production area for Kashayam, Lehyam, Choornam, Thailam with Manually and Automated stirring pans, drug boilers with 300litre + capacity.
- GMP complied area for stirring, boiling and processing medicines with Oil and herb processing tanks and forced circulated evaporators.
- Herb grinding area specially for Gulika, Tablets and Capsules equipped with automated model of traditional grinding stone.
- Electric pans for Mass heating and lubricating.
- UV filtered Mass drying Area.
- Automatic Tablet Granulator and compressor, Manual Capsule compressor with capacity of compressing 300 units at a time.
Ergonomically Set Packing and Storing Areas
- Secondary packaging area for tablets and capsules equipped with manually fed cartonator
- Automated blister/strip packing machine (Accupack)
- Settling, Storing and Filtration areas under GMP compliance.
- External and Internal liquid medicine packing areas with automatic filling and labeling.
- Manually operated tube fillers
- Automated batch printing machine
- Temperature controlled warehousing area for finished goods.

Research and Development Laboratory

- GLP, cGMP complied laboratory and manufacturing unit with HVAC filtration.
- One entry one exit system for proper process flow and hygiene maintenance.
- Separate and well-equipped facilities:
- Chemistry
- Pharmacognosy
- Microbiology
- Sample retention
- Instrumentation
- With world-class machineries like UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Polarimeter, Muffle Furnace, humidity cabinets, BOD Incubators and autoclaves.
- Well-educated and experienced study directors, Microbiologists, botanists, chemists and technical staffs
- Our intelligent minds and advanced technologies help us develop unique medicines and healing techniques.
Effluent Treatment Plant
- Our award winning well-designed ETP (Effluent Treatment plant) is used for treating the industrial waste water.
- The treated water is reused for sanitation and gardening purposes.
- Sludge separated from influent water is treated and used as fertilizers by our farmers.
This helps us to meet the standards for Emission and Discharge of Environmental Pollutants to Safeguard the environment against Pollution and contribute to sustainable development

Herbal Garden

- Our herb garden comprises organically grown medicinal plants that are used in manufacturing the medicines.
- Our gardeners give utmost care to the plants by providing them with nutrient rich manure and water timely. We also practice biodynamic farming practices.
- Our own vegetable cultivation patch to prepare in-house meals for employees.