Hair Types in Ayurveda

The desire for good hair is universal. Maybe there are a few who turn a blind eye towards the maintenance and care that our hair requires, but the majority out there are attentive towards their crowning glory.! We love having lustrous, healthy hair that makes us feel and look our absolute best. Hair can complement our personality as a whole. So this article is for you if you’re concerned about how to overcome the modern-day hair challenges amidst the pollution and stress we deal with every day. We will lead you on how to better connect with your hair and know the kind of care it requires. We reveal to you the Ayurvedic hair care secrets that you may not wanna miss.!
For freshers, according to Ayurveda, our body is made up of seven different types of tissues called Sapta Dhatus. The health of the teeth, hair, nails, and most importantly the bones is mostly governed by the fifth of the seven dhatus, known as Asthi. Therefore, it might be claimed that Asthi dhatu is the source of hair, also known as “kesha.”
Thus, the health of the corresponding bodily parts, such as hair, nails, and teeth, varies depending on the degree and predominance of asthi dhatu in one’s body. And doshas, the three fundamental components of the human body according to conventional medicine, maintain the balance and dominance of this Asthi dhatu. This means that depending on the balance of Tridoshas namely :
● Vata, the air element
● Pitta, the fire element and,
● Kapha, the water element,
The quality and property of hair differ from person to person as they directly influence dhatu parinama (transformation of tissues). Because ultimately in Ayurveda, everything comes back down to Tridosha theory.
So how is it further justified in hair types.? Let’s have a look.!
When your hair is in good health, it can give an insight into your own body constitution aka Prakriti. i.e, The vata, pitta, and kapha ratio. If you don’t know the kind of doshic constitution, then don’t worry. Your body will let you know on it’s own.!
And since every one of us possesses all three doshas inside our internal body constitutions, it is completely possible—in fact, it is rather typical—for our hair to exhibit a blend of various doshic traits. Also, this can differ based on our lifestyle including eating and sleeping habits.
To put it another way, it is uncommon to come across someone who only has vata, pitta, or kapha-type hair. You will probably be able to identify at least two, and possibly all three, of the doshas in your hair. So digging deeper let us see what are the traits of different hair types as per the doshic constitution of our body.
The challenging Vata Hair type:
The texture of vata hair can be straight, wavy, or curly. It could also be a mixed combination of all. It could be harsh or dry, and this is primarily due to Vata dosha characteristics. Vata is known to be the dry, rough, unctuous dosha. So occasionally your hair might also appear frizzy.! They expand and grow quickly, and because of their diverse personalities and unruly nature, styling them may be rather difficult and quite a task.
The early grays of Pitta Hair type:
That premature graying you noticed years ago could be due to Pitta having a toll on you.! Being the hothead of the Tridoshas, Pitta dosha causes heat to radiate from the skin, and scalp as well as from hair follicles, which causes early graying. Apart from that fact, Pitta hair type is distinguished by its lovely wavy texture, coppery tinge, shiny nature and medium strength, thickness, and length.
The Smooth and Silky Kapha Hair type:
Kapha hair type is idealized but wait a minute.! There are cons too.! Kapha hair type is rather silky and hydrated, aiding the Kapha dosha attributes predominating in the body. For the same reason, it might get a little too oily for one’s comfort. Why? Because Kapha dosha has a strong affinity to oil and moisture content. Hence the hair might get easily dirty if not taken care of properly. Kapha dosha makes the hair lustrous, strong and thick in its volume if we see the brighter side. The shiny and smooth length will catch anyone’s eye.!
● Vata imbalance:
Hair that has too much vata starts getting brittle, dry, frizzy and lacks luster. Additionally, it makes the hair thinner by falling itself out in clumps, becoming shorter and harder to grow out. May also trouble you with its split ends.
● Pitta imbalance:
Pitta dosha in excess can damage hair follicles and cause early graying as mentioned earlier. Pitta being hot in nature heats up hair follicles and warms the scalp. It can not only lead to premature graying of hair but also to balding and thinning of the hair. So, this one really has to be watched out.!
● Kapha imbalance:
Heaviness.! Because Kapha is a guru (heavy) in its true nature. Excessively oily and thick hair! If not taken care of, this one will create problematic responses including sinusitis and a bad headache.
The fundamental goal of Ayurveda, be it in skin care or hair care is rejuvenation, both for the body as a whole and for the hair, as well as for certain tissues that may have an impact on the health of the hair like Asthi dhatu.
Rasayana, or rejuvenation in Sanskrit, is a practice in Ayurveda that refers to providing cellular sustenance in depth to promote the repair and regeneration of physiological tissues and systems. Hence modern Ayurvedic hair care tips include medicated Hair Oils and tablets for healthy hair. And this will also make it easier for you to take care of your hair.
Sitaram’s Ayurvedic dietary supplement Narasimha tablets provide your body with the best nutrition and increased strength. All that is necessary to develop healthy hair from the roots.
Lord Vishnu’s lion-man form Narasimha is well known for his tenacity, vigor, and unwavering prowess. The wholesomeness of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba), Khadira (Acacia catechu), Kasisa bhasma (purified ferrous sulfate), and other effective herbs keep you robust and untarnished, much like Narasimha. The herbs are known to provide undeniable benefits for hair.
Our hair care tablets are renowned for improving the appearance of the skin and nails as well. The Narasimha tablet takes its name from the traditional herbal remedy Narasimha Rasayanam, which is meant to promote overall health. Hence this could be a game-changer for you.!
The most important thing, obviously, is to go after the possibilities that are most consistent with who you are, with what you find gratifying and encouraging, and with the experiences that fuel and thrill you.
We look forward to helping you maintain your excellent health, dazzling beauty, and vivid feeling of wellness in all spheres of your life.