Fever and it’s management in Ayurveda

A fever is a brief increase in body temperature. It is a component of the immune system’s total reaction. In most cases, a fever is caused by an infection. A fever can be painful for most children and adults. However, it is rarely a cause for alarm. However, in infants, even a modest temperature can indicate a dangerous infection. Fevers usually pass within a few days. A fever can be brought down using a variety of over-the-counter drugs. However, if a fever is not causing discomfort, it is not necessary to treat it.
Normal body temperature for adults – The average body temperature is 98.60 F (370C). Normal body temperature, on the other hand, can fluctuate between 970 F (360C) and 990 F (37.20C) or higher. The temperature of your body can change based on how active you are or the time of day. Older adults, on average, have lower body temperatures than younger persons.
Jwara Roga is the Ayurvedic name for fever. This is caused primarily by an imbalance in the Vata and Kapha Doshas. An imbalance in Kapha can create cold symptoms, whereas an excess of Vata can bring chills, lethargy, poor digestion, and body pains. Ayurveda believes disease begins with Ama (Digestive toxin), which causes a dhatu imbalance (bodily tissues). This reduces our body’s primordial immunity (Ojas), making us more susceptible to diseases and allergies.
As a result, Ayurveda seeks to balance the Agni (Digestive Fire) and Doshas in the body in order to protect us against viral infections and fever.Ayurveda describes fever in detail. Jwara (fever) is the first ailment described among disorders since temperature (or bodily heat) is a life-sustaining force. Because the sickness is caused due to weak agni, dieting or fasting is beneficial when premonitory symptoms appear or when the fever begins.
Fever can be classified as Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Vata-Pittaja, Vata-Kaphaja, Tridoshaj (intrinsic fevers), Agantuja (extrinsic fever), Krodhaja (anger induced), Kamaja (fever due to excessivesex), Vishama jwara(malaria), Shokaja (anxiety induced), orBhuta-vistha (fever of unknown origin). In addition to a rise in body temperature, other causes and doshas might cause additional symptoms. Since a variety of factors can cause fever, its management and treatment are equally diverse.
Vata fever iscommon during the monsoon season and can produce a racing pulse, excessive thirst, aches and pains, and fluctuating body temperatures. The diet consists primarily of water and warm soups. Make a Sudarshan churna and Guduchi decoction.
Pitta fever is caused by an overactive Pitta Dosha. Symptoms include a scorching forehead, high temperature, foul-smelling sweat, loose movements, and nausea. It is advised to consume fruits such as musk melon, sweet lime, and lemon water with sugar. Make katuki and chandanadi decoctions.
Kapha feveriscaused by a Kapha Dosha imbalance. It can induce sinus congestion, heaviness, and congestion. It is recommended to drink plenty of warm water and fluids, take decoctionsprepared from tulasi, ginger, and pepper, and avoid Kapha aggravating foods like curd and ghee.
The major symptoms of fever includes :
Fever with body pain
- Throat pain
- Fever with Chillsor shivers
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- High fever and vomiting
- Fever and Headache
- Dizziness
- Sweating
- Dehydration
- Temperatures are really high.
There are a few general principles that must be observed when treating it. Ayurvedic fever management guidelines includes
- Fasting or eating light foods is generally suggested for all sorts of fevers.
- Drinking warm water is advised.
- Warm liquid diets with barley and vegetable soup are recommended.
- Steamed veggies with minimal or no seasoning
- Difficult-to-digest foods, such as dairy, greasy meals, sweets, and spicy foods, should be avoided.
- Fruits and fruit juices, particularly oranges, are recommended becauseof their high vitamin C concentration, which boosts resistance to infections.
- Rice starch is a popular therapy for flushing toxins and increasing urine.
Best Ayurvedic Remedy for Fever – -Fasting or eating light foods is advised during the initial stages of fever. However, if the fever is of Vata nature, this should not be done. Fasting causes the stomach to draw heat from the periphery to the centre, increasing the digestive fire.
Warm water is recommended for drinking in all cases of fever, with the exception of Pitta fever, to maintain the thermal balance inside the stomach. A liquid diet that comprises barley, vegetable soup, and sago is an option. It is critical to avoid anything with an astringent flavour.
If the fever is high and lasts for more than three days, it could be caused by a viral infection, chikungunya, dengue, or malaria. In such instances, it is best to seek emergency medical attention. However, in cases of mild fever, the following home treatments may be useful.
Tulasi –Tulasiis an effective ayurvedic medicine for cold and fever. This plant is as effective as several antibiotics on the market. Its anti-inflammatory characteristics will help lower fever swiftly. Tulasi is also considered the best viral fever ayurvedic medicine in Ayurveda
Boil around 20 basil leaves, then add 1 teaspoon crushed ginger to the filtered tulsi water and cook until the solution is reduced by half. To gain relief, add a little honey to the tea and drink it two or three times a day for three days.
Garlic – Garlichas numerous antimicrobial properties and antifungal benefits. Garlic’s warm nature might also help to reduce excessive fever by encouraging sweating. 1 garlic clove, crushed, in 1 cup of hot water Allow it to rest for 10 minutes before straining. For optimal effects, drink this twice a day.
Ginger – Zingiber officinale, a perennial herb native to China and India, can help with a variety of health issues such as colds, flu, inflammation, sore throats, and is the best ayurvedic remedy for fever.Its inherent antiviral and antibacterial ingredients aid in the fight against illness and boost immunity from within. You may make it into a tea by combining 1 1/2 teaspoon of grated ginger with 1 cup of boiling water. Add honey to taste, and drink this tea at least three or four times per day. Alternatively, combine 1 1/2 teaspoon ginger juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon honey. For optimal results, consume this combination two to three times each day.
Sudharshana choornams, Amruthotharam kashayam, Guluchyadi kashayam, Amrutarishtam are commonly used medicines in Ayurvedic treatment for fever. Ayurvedic tablet for feverinclude Sudharshana guilika, Gorochanadi gulika, Vettumaran gulika etc.
Jwara should not be inhibited, although the disease’s progression can be slowed. Even during fevers, ayurvedic medicines do not hinder the body’s natural response, but rather assist the condition in easing and therefore healing. The reason or causes are efficiently addressed; these days, several fevers are diagnosed as ‘fevers of unknown origin’; in such cases, the dosha association can be easily identified using the Nadi and thus properly treated to root out the ailment.
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