Consulting Doctors

Dr.Anjali Asok
BAMS. MD (Dravyaguna)
Certified Yoga teacher (RYS 200)
Reg No: 33089A
Dr.Anjali Ashok MD, pursued her graduation in Ayurveda from Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research, Bangalore. Beyond her bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine (B.A.M.S.), she holds a post graduate specialization in the subject Dravyaguna from RGUHS and is a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYS-200). Dr.Anjali works as Consulting physician and Medical Coordinator at Sitaram Ayurveda.
She is a staunch believer in Ayurveda and a Yoga enthusiast. Her holistic approach and passion towards the science make her unique in inspiring clients. Amidst the current scenario of Covid-19, she had rendered helping hands to many 100s of patients across the globe through online platform and still continues to. She has her expertise in –
- Metabolic and Lifestyle Related Disorders.
- Gastro and Digestive Care.
- Women’s Health.
- Skin and Beauty.
- Respiratory conditions.
- Allergic Conditions.
- Pain and Joint care.
- Detox Procedures and Rejuvenating Therapies.
“Health is a state of mind, Wellness is a state of being!”

Dr.Meera Sudhakaran
BAMS. MD (Rasashastra and Baishajyakalpana)
Certified Yoga Acharya (S-VYASA)
Reg. No. 10621
Dr.Meera Sudhakaran MD, Did her UG from Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Thrissur and PG from MVR Ayurveda College, Kannur. She is a certified Yoga Acharya (S-VYASA, Bangalore) and currently serves as Consulting Physician and Head of Clinical Research and Innovation at Sitaram Ayurveda Specialty Hospital, Thrissur.
A true patron of holistic healing through Ayurveda, she strives to further the concept of health and well being through her words and deeds. In the Covid scenario, she looks forward to render her services online too for the benefit of patients not yet in a position to travel or consult in person. Following are her fields of expertise:
- Child health and immunity.
- Women’s health and menstrual disorders.
- Lifestyle diseases.
“Connect for health. Stay a step ahead of disease”

Dr.Jasna M M
Reg. No. 20893
Dr. Jasna M M, BAMS did her UG from Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College, Palakkad. Currently woking as Research OP Assistant at Sitaram Ayurveda Speciality Hospital, Thrissur . She is also the Consulting Physician at Sitaram Factory Outlet, Nedupuzha, Thrissur and Sitaram Ayurveda Private Ltd.,Thrissur
An Ayurvedic physician equipped with the knowledge of the purest traditional systems and modern medical applications of the same. A dedicated worker driven towards the cause. Her scientific spirit is grounded in rational principles ensuring personalised treatment for each patient, to help them regain “Swasthya” . Following are her fields of expertise :-
- Arthritis and related conditions
- Bowel disorders
- Metabolic diseases
- Skin diseases
- Menstrual disorders and other gynaec problems
- Allergy, Asthma and other respiratory complaints
- Headache ,Sinusitis, Migraine
“Make Ayurveda your first choice , not your last resort.”