sitaadmin May 29th 5 minutes

Ayurvedic Solutions for Eczema: Natural Treatment Approaches

Ayurvedic Solutions for Eczema Natural Treatment Approaches

Eczema is correlated to Vicharchika, which is a type of kshudrakustha in Ayurveda. Ayurveda explains the characteristic symptoms like Kandu (itching), srava (discharge), pidaka (vesicles), and shyava varna (discolouration) for vicharchika. The mainstay of treatment explained in Ayurveda for vicharchika is Shodhana and shamana therapies. Therefore, a permanent cure for Eczema in Ayurveda is possible with the help of treatments that will eliminate the doshas, correct the dhatus and bring them to normalcy.

The strength of Ayurveda in diagnosing and treating an underlying cause is commendable. It not only diagnoses but also offers long sustainable results for the disease. According to Ayurveda, the skin is one of the body’s vital areas where Pitta resides and is responsible for its color, texture, temperature, lustre, and glow. Pitta is also in charge of our blood, liver, and digestion, all of which directly impact our skin.

Ayurvedic cure for Eczema include –

Lepam: Fresh herbs are pounded into a fine paste and applied over the lesions. This helps to reduce the Eczema symptoms along with other medicines. Ayurvedic medicine for Eczema includes herbs like Manjishta, Khadira, Sariva, Aragwadha, Nimba, Mahanimba, Chandana, Karanja, Kutaja, Haridra, Daruharidra, Bakuchi etc. are being used. Sitaram Ayurveda’s Psora oil and Dermosap ointment are best in treating symptoms of eczema.

Parisheka: The treatment includes sprinkling the medicated liquids over the lesions. Mahatikataka kashayam, Pachatiktaka kashayam, Vasaguduchiyadi kashayam are helpful for the same. 

Shodhana: Shodhana therapies like Vamana and Virechana are recommended to the patient depending on the doshic constitution and state of the disease. The purificatory treatments are conducted with utmost care before Snehana (abhyantara and bahya).

Eczema Ayurvedic home remedies

  • Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil directly over the affected site is an effective ayurvedic remedy for Eczema. 

Coconut oil soothes the skin, reduces skin inflammations and irritations. The oil keeps the skin hydrated and controls further infections. It has the presence of lauric acid, which reduces the chances of infection. The oil is best to subside pain and discomfort caused due to Eczema.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel should be scooped out from the fresh leaf and applied directly over the eczematic lesions. Aloe vera is best known for its soothing nature over the skin. The herb works well on hydrating the skin, controlling dryness, and acting as natural Ayurvedic cream for Eczema.  

  • Paste of Cassia Leaves (Golden shower tree)

The cassia leaves should be collected freshly and cleaned. Then the leaves are ground to a fine paste. Apply this fine paste over the eczema patches or lesions. This is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for Eczema.

The plant is commonly available all over the country and helpful in treating inflammations related to skin disorders. It heals the lesions or wounds and prevents oozing discharge from the lesions.      

Nobody can deny how unpleasant and irritating eczema is. It frequently results from a weakened immune system. Individuals affected are extremely distressed due to the symptoms. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a condition where patches of skin become inflamed and cracked. The other symptoms of the disease include itching, redness, roughness and sometimes the presence of blisters. 

Although adults can also get atopic dermatitis, children are more likely to do so. The illness is typically persistent and recurs occasionally. There are certain self-care techniques that can be used to reduce the symptoms and stop outbreaks. The natural skin moisturization provided by household remedies might replace the use of abrasive soaps and steroidal ointments on the skin.

What are the types of Eczema?

  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Irritant Dermatitis
  • Stasis Dermatitis
  • Allergic Contact Dermatitis
  • Scabies
  • Lichen Simplex Chronicus
  • Nummular Eczema
  • Dyshidrotic Eczema
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • Xerotic Eczema

The ideal way is to identify what is triggering the condition and avoid the causes; thus flare-ups can be prevented.  

Causes of Eczema

The causes of Eczema may vary from person to person exhibiting various symptoms.

  • Family history 
  • Mutation in the filaggrin gene – the involvement of genetic factors, is still not precise. But those who are suffering from the disease are more likely to pass it to their progenies. 
  • Skin irritants: Maybe any fabric, such as wool or synthetic clothes, or allergic to detergents, perfumes, soaps, chlorine, or any other chemical solvent.
  • Temperature: Often, extreme temperature situations lead to dryness of the skin and worsen the situation.  
  • Lack of moisturizing
  • Animal dander in some cases
  • Pollen, molds, dust mites
  • Incompatible food items may also be a cause of Eczema

Symptoms of Eczema

It is essential to understand that the signs and symptoms of Eczema may differ from individual to individual.

  • Intense itching
  • Rashes or red bumps
  • Cracked skin
  • Itching and burning sensation on the rashes
  • Crusting of the rashes
  • Liquid oozing from the rashes
  • Swelling in particular areas of rashes
  • Clear liquid-filled bumps

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