A medicated ghee loaded with the health benefits of Dhatri (Indian Gooseberry). Dhatryadi Ghrita is a formula that pacifies the heat of Pitta and gently nourishes the body. It is beneficial in most gynecological complaints arising from hormonal imbalance.
Features and benefits Dhatryadi Ghrita –
- Dhatryadi Ghrita ensures menstrual health in women. It is beneficial in managing erratic menstruation, associated pain and discomfort.
- Dhatryadi Ghrita imparts strength and functionality to the reproductive organs. It prepares the uterus for pregnancy and childbirth.
- It enhances immune function. It prevents recurrent infection and disease.
- It nourishes the body from within. It heals the body emaciated by chronic vaginal discharge. Relieves fatigue.
- Dhatryadi Ghrita is effective in improving blood heme levels.
- It relieves excessive body heat, exhaustion and frequent fainting spells.
Adult: 7-10 ml Dhatryadi Ghrita early in the morning on empty stomach.
Child: 5-7 ml Dhatryadi Ghrita once in the morning on empty stomach.
Key Ingredients:
AMALAKI (Emblica officinal)
Commonly known as the Indian gooseberry, it is high in Vitamin C and natural antioxidants known as flavonoids and polyphenols. When used for hair treatments, it is found to strengthen and condition follicles down to the roots. Amla oil can promote hair growth, reduce dandruff, and prevent the graying of hair.
PIPPALI (Piper longum)
Pippali is known as “Tridoshic” herb as it suits all body types. Thus regular consumption of pippali in suggested quantity can help you to immune your body to quiet an extent. Pippali has Anti-microbial, Anti-inflammatory activity. Consumption of pippali is said to exhibit anti spasmodic action and hypoglycaemic effect which is believed to lower blood sugar level. It is also reported to be antagonist in respiratory depression. Also due to its cooling post-digestive effect consumption of pippali is considered as a safe and effective option to avoid all sorts of digestive disorders.
SARKARA (Saccharum officinarum.)
Commonly known as the sugarcane, its roots are used for the therapeutic purposes. Having properties aphrodisiac (arouse sexual desires), laxative, cooling, demulcent, antiseptic, and tonic. Sugarcane juice is very useful in jaundice conditions.
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